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Surprising Benefits of Turmeric for Skin and Health

Surprising Benefits of Turmeric for Skin and Health

1.       Control Acne and scars
Turmeric helps to control acne and scars for that
-          Mix turmeric powder with sandal wood powder, add some lemon drops to the mixture and apply to the face and wait for 10-15 minutes, clear the face with Luke warm water.
Turmeric is having the healing power and antibacterial properties to fight the pimples

2.       Removal of facial Hair

Turmeric helps out to control the facial hair growth on the skin:
-           For that prepare the scrub with the kasturi Turmeric and with gram flour

For better results apply this constantly about a month.

3.       Removes dead cells

To remove dead skin cells:

Make a paste with gram floor and turmeric with the help of water and smoothly.
Scrub on the body.

Mixture of (Turmeric + milk) apply on face, lips help to heal the dry face and lips.

4.       To heal the sign of aging

Turmeric can help to heal of the sign of aging:

  Its help to reduce the stretch marks on the face by doing like this,

-          Apply mixture of Turmeric + besan + raw milk   helps to reduce  the stretch marks

Turmeric Benefits for Health

  • ·         Heals the minor wounds  : Surprising benefits of  turmeric is due to its anti bacterial properties, so whenever you injured sprinkle the turmeric to heal the wound
  • ·         Turmeric helps to control the insulin levels so there by its helps to control the level of diabetes.
  • ·         Turmeric helps to heal the liver damages caused by fats, it helps to detoxify.
  • ·         It help to settle the everyone stomach by heaping teaspoon of turmeric.
  • ·         Turmeric helps to relieve the pain of arthritis and proven effective to relieve the pain by arthritis.

This blog provides the Idea of about how natural remedies work and awareness. So take care and discuss the use of any home remedy or other self treatment with your physician.

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